Tuesday, November 11, 2008

two song demo

"Joking Sovereignty : an empire of grief"

if there's a lesson to be learned
the lesson's in your head
grief isn't sovereign
it's like a cloud in the distance
the rain feeds life
so why add to standing water
why add, why add
to any real problems you have

you're building an empire of grief
brick by fucking brick
it stands as tall as your arms will let it

i saw some high school friends
at the movies yesterday
they reminded me of who i am
and who i use to be
I'm so glad that
happiness is now familiar
I don't have to die for
the credibility of my art

you're building an empire of grief
brick by fucking brick
it stands as tall as your arms will let it

thank Buddha, Allah, or god, whoever you believe in
for gracing my face with this smile
like it's out of our fucking hands?


from under smells mugging my every mood
this greasy hair won't cut it, i need to cut it
gritty taste at every wake, but i still won't brush
I've got people to avoid and things to forget to do
some of these statements are true but none are related
clean cut, no rust sometimes means the worst of the worst
ugly and functioning, I'm a machine for errands
spend some time with me on the underbelly of everything

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