Tuesday, March 3, 2009

viral leakage

so our album came out this past week and I'm stoked on everything thus far. The album leaked pretty hard about two weeks before it came out so a lot of people had it before hand but no worries. We're not rock stars, we're just some dudes who want everyone to hear our music. Most kids have liked it, and I'm really glad that our hometown friends liked it. It means the world to us that our local friends are actually going out to shows and supporting everything.

I feel kind of weird with kids I've never seen before coming up to me asking for autographs, not to degrade their gesture but it's really silly. We suck compared to other bands and there's no sense in anyone treating us like that. There's ten trillion bands that people should go apehsit over. We're not one of those bands, BUT the wonder years are one of those bands. I heard an elegy for baby blue today off their new split and it's amazing. That man's lyrical skills are intense and fun. i absolutely love it.

eff my life,
Charles H.

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